Jun 03 , 2020
All pledges fulfilled
A week after the campaign reached its funding and then some, all pledges are now fulfilled in the system and only 4 people need to reply in the survey about the chosen model.
The two most popular watches are the Jolly Rogers model and on first place the Anniversary model with the original Tomcat logo.
We expect another two weeks before funding arriving on the business account.
In the meantime, we prepare the watch production and the last small changes in drawings and 3D files for the factory.
With amazing support for this project, not only to back up our first watch but also to help kickstart a new danish watch brand, making aviation-inspired watches, developed by former RDAF aircraft mechanic - we managed to get $25.000 in funding from 85 supporters!
We are now working on an investor pitch to get an investor on board and help with growing the company with the vision I have about 20-30 watches over the next 10 years, watches inspired by fighter jets to connect the people behind the planes, and all fighter aircraft lovers, through a watch with key features from the fighter aircraft.
And lastly, I can inform you that our pilot ambassador flying the F5 Tiger, now have our logo on his Pilot helmet and are ready to take our future watches out for some G's to test them before production.
We gonna upload small Go pro movies about this when ready.
Best regards Thomas, CEO - PITOT watches