Oct 20 , 2018
Welcome to our new page
Welcome to our new Pitot watches website! We have beeen working hard since june 2018 to develop the concept and watch design of the new watch inspired by the amazing F16.
It all started in jan 2018 when i saw a fantastic youtube video on how mechanical watches was made and how long it took to make a watch from scratch. I shortly after bought my first omega watch from the 60’s and soon after a dress watch, a another smart watch and a then a pulse watch, the Polar 600, i’ve been running since i was in the army and airforce in my early 20’s and i always loved to be jogging and the polar 600 helps me exercise in proper way when im following a plan for doing a marathon.
I started to look more on youtube and was amazed by all those amazing wristwatches, i came along a danish company that made watches from old cars, and i instantly fell in love with the idea of making watches inspired by airplanes since i’ve been in the airforce for ten years as a flight mechanic and seen alot of airplanes, handling and maintenance them.
I chose the F-16 as the first plane to build a watch from since that was the plane i was educated on, back in the beginning of my career. I have many good memories about that plane.
My dream is to build a watch that honor the plane and all those people who been working on this airplane, if you are a pilot, mechanic, the fuel guy, firefighter, administration, weapons man etc. - many people working around the planes to keep those planes on the wings, and they should all be able to have a memory on wrist that reminds them on all those good years with the plane they been servicing together with amazing colleagues.
Where are we now?
Im working together with a very good sketcher and at the moment we turning these sketches into 3D parts and drawings for the production companies.
Soon we gonna have the first watch case in hand, polished and ready to show.
We plan to make the watch in titanium with an stainless steel 316L backplate and we are thinking about make a version also in stainless steel for PVD coating and make watches in specific colour with matching dials.
A very special editon will come in cobber look and blue dial with matching strap!.
It takes time and if you want to follow along on updates please sign up to the newsletter and see the released updates only for followers on email list.
You are also welcome to follow us on instagram: pitotwatches
Ok that's my news for you today - feel free to write at mail@pitotwatches.com
if any feedback or questions
Best Regards Thomas Clausen - pitotwatches